A compilation of PIL cases in Bangladesh

Case Number: test-0000001

Case Number: test-0000001 Date of filing: 2021/05/16 Petitioners The death toll from COVID-19 rose by 25 in a 24-hour count to 12,149, according to the latest government data released on Sunday. Another 601 people recovered from the illness through treatment at home...

Case Number: 2

Case Number: 2 Date of filing: 2021/05/16 Petitioners tes Respondents tesft Facts rfg Rule/Order/Judgment Date: 16/05/2021 Details Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text...

Case Number: 6466 of 2014

Case Number: 6466 of 2014 Case Number: 6466 of 2014 Petitioners test Respondents test Facts test Rule/Order/Judgment Date: 14/02/2017 Details test Justices test Database Last Updated on: Full Judgment Link Download as PDF Area of law Keywords test Relevant statute...