A compilation of PIL cases in Bangladesh

Case Number: Civil Petition for Leave to Appeal No. 1357 of 2011 with 973 of 2014 and 142 of 2011
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Case Number: Civil Petition for Leave to Appeal No. 1357 of 2011 with 973 of 2014 and 142 of 2011

Date of filing: 2011/02/07


Bangladesh Legal Aid and Services Trust (BLAST)


1.Kazi Rokanuddin Ahmed, Editor-in-Charge, Jai Jai Din;

2.Sayeed Hossain Chowdhury, Chairman, Board of Editors, Jai Jai Din

3.H.M. AL Faruque, Publisher, Jai Jai Din

4.Golam Faruque Alam, Admin-in-charge, Jai Jai Din

5.Sayed Mohammad Kabiruddin, Admin-in-charge, Jai Jai Din

6.Chairman, 1st Labour Court (Proforma- Respondent)


The instant Civil Petition for Leave to Appeal arose out of the judgment and order dated 31.03.2011, passed by the High Court Division in Writ Petition No. 914 of 2011 in judgment and order dated 31.03.2011 passed by the High Court Division in making the Rule absolute arising out of proceeding of the Bangladesh Law (Criminal) Case No. 368 of 2010 under sections 307 and 310 of the Bangladesh Labour Law. The respondents Nos. 1-5 writ petitioners filed writ petition No. 914 of 2011 before the High Court Division challenging the proceeding of the Bangladesh Labour Law (Criminal) Case No. 368 of 2010 under sections 307 and 310 of the Bangladesh Labour Law.


Date: 28/05/2015


The Appellate Division of the Supreme Court did not fully agree with the High Court Division Judgment. They agreed with the ultimate decision that no complaint can be made directly without seeking redress to the Labour Court for non-payment of service benefits. They found no substance in the submission by the petitioner, inasmuch as, in view of section 33(9) of the Ain read with section 283 of the Ain, the Labour Court erred in law in taking cognizance of the offence. 


Mr. Justice Surendra Kumar Sinha
Chief Justice

Mrs. Justice Nazmun Ara Sulatana

Mr. Justice Sayed Mahmud Hossain

Mr. Jutice Hasan Feroz Siddique

Area of law

Women’s Rights,
Accountability and Institutional Reform


Worker’s Rights 3 case

Relevant statute

Constitution, Article 103;

Bangladesh Labour Law 2006

Database Last Updated on: 2017-02-12 15:26:45