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Case Number: Writ Petition No. 8333 of 2006
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Case Number: Writ Petition No. 8333 of 2006

Date of filing: 2006/08/21


Bangladesh Legal Aid and Services Trust (BLAST)


  1. Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs;
  2. Inspector General of Prisons;
  3. The Jailor, Cox’s Bazar Jail


Maung  Pru alias Abdul Malate was detained in Cox’s Bazar District Jail for 12 years after serving out the terms of his conviction.

Date: 21/08/2006

Date: 14/02/2017


A Rule Nisi was issued calling upon the respondents to show cause why the detention of Maung Pru alias Abdul Malate shall not be brought before this court to satisfy itself that the detainee is not being held in custody without lawful authority or in an unlawful manner and as to why he shall not be set at liberty forthwith and/or such other or further order or orders passed as to this Court may seem fit and proper.

Mr. Rezaul Karim Chowdhury, the Co-coordinator of Chittagong Unit of BLAST is directed further to produce the detainee before this court as and when he is directed.  


Mr. Justice Nozrul Islam Chowdhury

Mr. Justice Zubayer Rahman Chowdhury

Area of law

Fair Trial,
Access to Justice,
Prisoner’s Rights


Unlawful Detention

Relevant statute

Constitution Articles 27, 31 and 32

Database Last Updated on: 2017-02-12 15:26:45