A compilation of PIL cases in Bangladesh

Case Number: Writ Petition No. 5007 of 2006
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Case Number: Writ Petition No. 5007 of 2006

Date of filing: 2006/05/25


Bangladesh Legal Aid and Services Trust (BLAST)


  1. Secretary, Ministry of Industries and Commerce;
  2. Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Forest;
  3. Director General, Department of Environment;
  4. Director, Department of Environment;
  5. Bangladesh Export Processing Zone Authority (BEPZA);
  6. Executive Director, Savar EPZ;
  7. East West Suiting Mills Ltd;
  8. Ganashastha Anti-biotic Ltd;
  9. Hydra Accessories Industries Ltd;
  10. Monno Group of Industries
  11. Kamal Textiles


BLAST filed a writ petition challenging the continued inaction by the concerned authorities, in particular the Ministry of Environment, to address the discharge of untreated industrial waste into Dholai Beel, Bongshi River and the Dholai Canal by factories in and around the Savar Export Processing Zone (EPZ), causing serious environmental degradation, loss of habitat to flora and fauna, environmental pollution and health risks to those living in areas surrounding the Savar EPZ.


Date: 25/05/2006


The High Court issued a Rule Nisi to show cause as to why it should not declare that the respondents to have failed to discharge their statutory and constitutional obligations and direct them to ensure installation of adequate waste treatment devices in the Savar EPZ.


Mr Justice Md. Awlad Ali

Ms Justice Zinat Ara

Area of law

Accountability and Institutional Reform


Industrial Waste

Relevant statute

Constitution, Article 31, 32 and 102;
Environment Conservation Act, 1995;
Environment Conservation Rules, 1997;
Factories Act 1965;
Town Improvement Act 1953; Industrial Policy 1999;
Environment Policy 1992

Database Last Updated on: 2017-02-12 15:26:45